So that's how the Great cardinal Quest begun. I went to Walmart the next evening, got some birdfood and a hanging birdfeeder tube. Came home with great excitement. Without loosing a moment I was up on a chair with a hammer and a nail in my hands.
That's exactly when I realized that I cannot hang my birdfeeder here, because I would need to drill through the concrete beam. That was a moment of decision. Should I go and get a drilling machine which I would barely use again? I was too tired by that time and gave up on setting up the feeder.
The next day I came up with an idea. I knew that the birds love to perch on cables and clothelines. And I should mention at this point, that there is this cable and lamp-post setup right in front of the porch where a dove often roosts. So I hung a clotheline, wall to wall and with a tiny string tied the birdfeeder handle to it. But that seemed like a weak attatchment, so I duck-taped the arrangement and here's what it looked like.
With no visitors for a few days made me think that further improvements were required. I looked through my crsytal ball again ( I mean the google search page, of course). This time I asked 'How to attract birds to your patio, garden, backyard etc?' The most reasonable answer was to add flowers. Off to Lowes this time. Brought a bunch of annual flowers with vibrant colors.
The quest for the red bird has now bestowed upon me the additional responsibility of plant care.
By the way, here's a small cardinal poem I found.
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