The fruit of labor is always sweet. So, after nurturing the flowering plants back to health, I was quite happy with the outcome.
But, I still had no birds come to feed. I have seen a few Mocking birds feeding on the ground along with that dove I mentioned before. Its worthwhile to mention that the Mocking bird is the state bird of Florida (Texas as well) and is protected under some Bird Act. So no mocking the Mocking bird :). Anyway, back to my story.
I started noticing the size of the birds and realized that the birdfeeder is appropriate for birds of much smaller size. The birds around my neighborhood were a couple of size bigger. That day I just got an old plastic lid, spread some birdfood (mixture of seeds) on it and left it on the railing.
Finally, one morning I heard some chirping. I peeped through the blind of my bedroom window and yes! Cardinals! A pair, the male bright red and a female greyish brown, feeding on the seeds. That was a joyful moment for me. Once, I have almost thought of getting rid of the sack of birdfood. But, patience brings rewards.
By now, the Cardinal couple are regular visitors and guess what? Today there was somebody else as well...I do not know his
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