Sunday, June 21, 2009

Fruit of labor

The fruit of labor is always sweet. So, after nurturing the flowering plants back to health, I was quite happy with the outcome.
But, I still had no birds come to feed. I have seen a few Mocking birds feeding on the ground along with that dove I mentioned before. Its worthwhile to mention that the Mocking bird is the state bird of Florida (Texas as well) and is protected under some Bird Act. So no mocking the Mocking bird :). Anyway, back to my story.
I started noticing the size of the birds and realized that the birdfeeder is appropriate for birds of much smaller size. The birds around my neighborhood were a couple of size bigger. That day I just got an old plastic lid, spread some birdfood (mixture of seeds) on it and left it on the railing.
Finally, one morning I heard some chirping. I peeped through the blind of my bedroom window and yes! Cardinals! A pair, the male bright red and a female greyish brown, feeding on the seeds. That was a joyful moment for me. Once, I have almost thought of getting rid of the sack of birdfood. But, patience brings rewards.
By now, the Cardinal couple are regular visitors and guess what? Today there was somebody else as well...I do not know his name, but got a picture! So here's my cardinal photo collection and the unknown visitor.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Flowers first, Birds second

I have never taken care of outdoor flowering plants before. So my knowledge of the subject has been limited. However, I knew something, plants need water, air and sunlight. So I gave the potted beauties plenty of the elements. The result, well, not so good. The leaves started drooping, the flowers behaved like snails recoiling into their shells.
Crystal ball to the rescue! This time 'How to water your plants?' Life teaches us lessons, so, we live and learn. I learnt that spraying water on the leaves and flowers is not a good idea after all, especially during the day time. Somehow this messes up with their transpiration process or something like that. Even if I would like a mist sprayed on me during a summer day, thats not meant for my plants.
So my attention now was diverted to proper plant growth. Meanwhile, I did hear the cardinal song from time to time. Check out this link to listen to the song.

Red Cardinal Quest

So that's how the Great cardinal Quest begun. I went to Walmart the next evening, got some birdfood and a hanging birdfeeder tube. Came home with great excitement. Without loosing a moment I was up on a chair with a hammer and a nail in my hands.
That's exactly when I realized that I cannot hang my birdfeeder here, because I would need to drill through the concrete beam. That was a moment of decision. Should I go and get a drilling machine which I would barely use again? I was too tired by that time and gave up on setting up the feeder.
The next day I came up with an idea. I knew that the birds love to perch on cables and clothelines. And I should mention at this point, that there is this cable and lamp-post setup right in front of the porch where a dove often roosts. So I hung a clotheline, wall to wall and with a tiny string tied the birdfeeder handle to it. But that seemed like a weak attatchment, so I duck-taped the arrangement and here's what it looked like.
With no visitors for a few days made me think that further improvements were required. I looked through my crsytal ball again ( I mean the google search page, of course). This time I asked 'How to attract birds to your patio, garden, backyard etc?' The most reasonable answer was to add flowers. Off to Lowes this time. Brought a bunch of annual flowers with vibrant colors.
The quest for the red bird has now bestowed upon me the additional responsibility of plant care.
By the way, here's a small cardinal poem I found.

Let nature be your teacher contd.

The Northern Red Cardinal
I missed seeing the bird I mentioned in the last post a couple of days and thought it must have been the rains that made him happy that he came out of his hiding. So I gathered my moments of the red bird and saved them in my memory folder.
A few days after that event, while I was viewing my favorite carrier, I heard that song again. He was back! Yes!
Today's world is clearer than that of the past. Type a few words on a screen, click a button and you get all the information about your quest in a second. So I took advantage of this magic machine, something the ancients would refer to as a crystal ball or magic mirror, whatever. With a few searches I found out that the captivating creature is a Northern Red Cardinal. I also found out that this species is a backyard visitor and has a thing for birdfeeders.
By then, I was obsessed with the Cardinal and decided to invite him into my backyard which in reality is a small porch.

Let nature be your teacher

A few weeks back
Bored by the student infested 42nd street, I decided last december (2008)that it was the right time to move into a new neighborhood. A place more peaceful and having less party-nights with smokes and liquor. The search for a new place led to the 50th street where I moved to in Feb'09. A month went by to set up the place in my way. I want my apartment to say that SG lives here, in all its arrangements and chaos, when that prevails.
Pleasant spring blended into summer. One day, finally the heat brought the email from the clouds. The message was instantly received by mother earth, sent directly through thunderbolts, nature's favorite carrier. It rained. The morning after, I went out to enjoy my porch, which my 42nd street apartment lacked (despite its high rent). As I sipped my green tea and honey mixture, a bright red dot captured my sight in the heart of the lush green right ahead. It was a song bird, drifting and gliding through branches and leaves with its friends. Its song and color brightened up my day and its 'music in my heart I bore, long after it was heard no more'.